Vandi Musa

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Name: Vandi Musa

Nationality: Sierra Leonean

Playing position: Midfielder

Address: Aberdeen (Abujah compound) Freetown Sierra Leone

Date of birth: 15th April 1975

Place of birth: Kailahun District (Daru)

Playing Position: Midfielder

Language spoken: Mendeh, Krio and English

Marital status: Marriage with three (3) Children

Educational background: Primary and secondary Education only

History of my Amputation

I was born in my village 1975. In 1998 the rebels attacked my village during that time there was total confection in the village, I was trying to hide in the bush one of the rebel shorted my foot so they captured me and they gave me heavy load to carry as punishment. I was with them for one week and I managed to hide from them after that I traveled from one village to another were I was rescued by the red cross and I was hospitalized at the caunaught hospital. After my dischgaed from the hospital, I was displaced to the displace camp later I understootd that my entired family was killed by the rebels and raped some of my sisters, and some they moved with them to be their wives and others hostage. Since then I did not set my eyes on my family on to now. In the camp I joined an amputee football club, were I deseeded to play football to easy my trauma I am also a mechanical engineer, for example tape, television etc. But my living conditions are difficult to take care of my own family.

But with the hope of the Salone Flying Stars Amputee Football Club I have the second chance to live.


Shir Lamin


Chernoh Shaw